Did you know ...

Every now and then I like to add some culinary background information to the blog. It makes things a bit more interesting and keeps it away from just those normal every day posts. So I will always try to have some little bit of information that will intertwine with the sites content, just to keep it kool.

Did you know …

In ancient history poppy seeds had been used mostly in connection with medical practices, it was believed to be a sedative and therefore considered a folk remedy to aid with insomnias.
In today’s day and age poppy seeds care primarily used for culinary purposes and can be found in the most variety of forms and cuisines. They can be used as a spice, condiment, garnish, thickener and even oil.  In worldwide cuisine such as European, Jewish, Indian, and North American.

For more information on poppy seeds: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppy_seed